Neuigkeiten zur Pebble

Für uns Kickstarter Backer aus Deutschland gab es leider ein Problem mit dem Zoll, so dass kaum einer seine Pebble bereits am Arm trägt … auch drei Monate nach den ersten Auslieferungen scheint das Problem noch nicht ganz gelöst, aber immerhin hat Pebble jetzt eine Email geschrieben, dass sie noch an uns denken.


Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve the shipping issues with Germany.

We have received your claim and wanted to update you on our progress. We are currently in touch with German regulatory agencies and customs officials to identify the steps required to ensure delivery of Pebbles in Germany.

We are already implementing some changes to paperwork and official documents, though resolution with the authorities may take some time. We will provide you with another update once we have clear direction and action from the authorities.

In the meantime, we have improved our invoices and provided a German manual online (available for download on our Help Portal:, which has enabled some backers to retrieve their Pebbles.

For any Pebbles requiring reshipment, we will wait until all regulatory and customs issues are resolved before reshipping so that we are sure your Pebble can get to you.

Thank you again for your patience with this matter. We will be in touch once we have additional details.

Kind regards,


Schön, aber trotzdem immer noch ärgerlich, dass sie sich nicht vorher informiert haben. Immerhin bekamen sie fast 10 Millionen Dollar zum Spielen :/

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